How is Canada different from Vietnam?
Canada is obviously very different from Vietnam. That means there are many things you need to learn and explore before coming here, outstanding features to know about Canada, as well as about the people, climate and lifestyle here.


Different things 
1. Soil and climate
Canada is a large country. The total area is 9,984,670 km2, making it the second largest country in the world.
The longest distance on land from the northernmost point in Nunavut to the southernmost point in Ontario is 4,634 km. The longest distance from the east in Newfoundland and Labrador to the west in the Yukon territory bordering Alaska is 5,514 km.
To help you visualize the vastness of Canada, you can think of it this way: it takes 7 days to drive from Halifax, Nova Scotia to Vancouver, British Columbia. It takes 7 hours to fly from Halifax to Vancouver. Another thing that shows the vast size of Canada’s territory is that Canada also has 6 separate time zones in the regions – Newfoundland, Atlantic, Eastern, Central, Mountain. mountain) and Pacific (Pacific).

2. Provinces and territories in Canada
Canada consists of 10 provinces and 3 territories, which can be divided into the following 5 main regions:
The Eastern Region, also known as the Atlantic Region, includes the provinces of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswich and Prince Edward Island.
The central region includes the provinces of Quebec and Ontario.
The Prairies include Manitoba, Saskatchewan and parts of Alberta.
The Western Region includes large parts of Alberta and British Columbia.
The Northern Region includes three territories – Nunavut, Yukon and the Northwest Territories.
Each province and territory has its own capital and government apparatus.


3. Natural resources
Canada is very famous in the world for its forest system, wildlife, land protection system and water resources. Canada has more than 71,500 species of wild plants and animals, accounting for 20% of the world’s remaining wild flora and fauna, 10% of forests, 25% of wetlands, and 7% of the world’s clean water supply systems. Canada also has the longest coastline in the world.

4. People
Although Canada is large, of its 31 million people, 80% live in towns and cities in the southern region of the country. The majority of Canada’s population lives within about 250 km of the border with the United States.
Canada has 25 cities with a population of more than 100,000 people, but only accounts for more than 1% of Canada’s area. With a population of 31 million people, Canada ranks 33rd in the world in terms of countries with the largest population.
Canada – a country of diversity

5. Multicultural society
What is multiculturalism?
Multiculturalism occurs when people accept and encourage the many cultures that exist in a society. The phenomenon of multiculturalism can lead to a variety of effects and outcomes, including both racial and ethnic harmony. Simply put, multiculturalism means people from different cultures living together in harmony. Living and accepting each other’s culture helps us understand each other and avoid violence and hatred.
A long history
Canada officially became a multicultural country in 1971 when the government began recognizing the worth of all Canadians regardless of race and ethnicity, language and religion. At this time, the government also recognized the value of Aboriginal people and recognized that Canada’s first two languages, English and French, were the official languages ​​of the country and had equal value.
Diverse society
Canada promotes and enhances multiculturalism by encouraging all Canadians to participate in all areas of life. People regardless of race or ethnicity can participate in all areas of society, culture, economics and politics as equals. Everyone in Canada is equal. Everyone has the right to be heard. All of these rights are guaranteed in the Canadian Constitution and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Canada does not tolerate hatred and violence.
Some people come to Canada but harbor hatred or exclusion towards a certain race or ethnicity. But this is not allowed in Canada. Everyone has the right to preserve their own culture and we must respect that.


6. Religious freedom
Almost all faiths appear in Canada. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees citizens the freedom to practice their religion. That also means you have to respect other people’s beliefs as well. You are responsible. When you first arrive in Canada, you will live in a multicultural environment. This requires you to consider a number of points.
All citizens and persons living and working in Canada must comply with Canadian laws, including the Canadian Constitution and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Accordingly, Canada prohibits all forms of racial discrimination based on origin, skin color, religion, gender, age, health or mental status. Additionally, newcomers to Canada are encouraged to learn one of Canada’s two official languages: English or French.

7. Family life
Canada respects all forms of family.
Family life in Canada is as diverse as the people here. While many families consist of the basic components of parents and children, there are many other types of families. In Canada, you can live in whatever type of family is best for you.
For example, Canada has more than one million single-parent families. Hundreds of thousands of families have stepfathers or stepmothers, or couples living together without getting married. They may or may not have children.
Sometimes grandparents raise their grandchildren, or uncles and aunts raise them. Some families adopt children. Other families may be same-sex married. Some families have no children. Sometimes there are large families with many generations living together.

8. Marriage and divorce
Married in Canada
According to Canadian law, marriage is a legal agreement between two people. Marriage laws apply to all citizens living in Canada and each person in this marriage is equal before the law.
Marriage between two people of the same sex is considered legal in Canada.
Divorce in Canada
You do not need to be a Canadian citizen to file for divorce.
You can file for divorce if:
• You are legally married in Canada or abroad.
• You have not lived with your spouse for at least 1 year, and believe your marriage is over.
• One of you and your spouse has lived in Canada for at least 1 year before filing for divorce.

9. Bilingual
Canada has 2 official languages: English and French. All departments and government documents use these two languages.
English is commonly used in most provinces in Canada except Quebec. In Quebec, French is the main language. New Bruncwick, home to many French speakers, is the only officially bilingual province in Canada, although there are many other provinces and territories in Canada with French-speaking communities. .
You should learn English or French.
Speaking English or French is really important to start life in Canada. Knowing either of these two languages ​​will help you integrate into a new community and find a job. To become a Canadian citizen, you will have to demonstrate your understanding of English or French.

10. Government
Democracy protects human rights
Canadians respect the right to vote and the right to choose who will lead their country. Canada is a democratic country. That means every Canadian citizen has the power to change laws and the way government works at every level.
Canadians do so by electing legislative representatives to serve at the federal, provincial and territorial, and municipal levels.
From rights to obligations
To protect their rights, Canadians must also comply with certain obligations, such as obeying the law and respecting the rights and freedoms of others. Another important obligation Canadians must also perform is to support democracy by voting in every election.

11. Law
Law ensures order
Canada is governed by a legal system. Laws are created by the government and chosen by the people. The law in Canada applies to everyone, including police, judges, political leaders and even people who work for the government.
The main reason for Canada’s use of law is to keep society stable, and to ensure peaceful development for the whole country, demonstrating the values ​​and beliefs of citizens in Canadian society.
In Canada, you are presumed innocent until proven guilty.
Equality before the law
We call the legal system the justice system. Everyone in Canada, whether a citizen or temporary resident, is equal before justice. In Canada, women can have the same jobs as men and have the same responsibilities as men. People in Canada will not get a better job just because of their name, the amount of money they hold, their social status or their gender.
A few important laws that can apply to your family:
› Children under 12 years old are not allowed to leave home to live independently and cannot sponsor another child.
› All children aged 6-16 years old must go to school.
› Depending on the region in Canada, children who want to buy or drink alcohol must be at least 18 or 19 years old.
› Buying, selling and using addictive drugs such as marijuana, heroin or cocaine is illegal.
› It is illegal to engage in any act that represents sexual abuse without the other person’s consent.
› It is illegal to hit another person, including spouses or children, in the home or in public.

12. Human rights
Canadian citizens and residents have rights.
The Charter protects your rights.
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is part of the Canadian Constitution and will protect you from the moment you arrive in Canada. Include:
› Right to life, liberty and personal security
› Freedom of conscience and religion
› Freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media
› Freedom to organize meetings to express peace
› Freedom to join organizations
› Be protected from unreasonable and unfair investigations and arrests
› The right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty
› Right to a fair trial
› The right to be protected and benefit fairly before the law, regardless of race


Reference real estate price list in Canadian states


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